Monday, July 28, 2008

Tanyia's first boy kit!

For the SK8R boi and girl in your your family! :)

Great kit, full of fun and playful elements. Perfect for little boys trying to be big, teenagers, girls even that sk8 and there are a lot of them! This cool, funky kit includes the following:

a full upper case alpha
13 papers
a metal doodled stick man
2 black metal buttons
2 semi glittery grids
2 speedy wind marks
a helmet
3 frames
2 glitter circle elems
2 wrapping rubber bands
2 metal skateboarder silhouettes
1 torn paper
1 branch
3 different word art ( 2 set in glue and w/o glue versions)

When it comes to Tanyia's Pretty Pixel's let's face it they are well um PRETTY! But all that is changing and for the good! Tanyia has made her first boy kit and it is anything but pretty! It is RAD!!! Feelin' Tough is an awesome kit full of skateboards and dark blues and turquoises not to mention dirt tough browns! Stop on by Digital Candy and snag up this kit for all the pics of the Sk8r Boys in your life!